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5 Viral TikTok food trends debunked by a Registered Dietitian

If you’ve spent any time on TikTok lately, you’ve probably stumbled upon some of the most widely shared trends on the “For You” Page. Wellness routines, health hacks, delicious recipes—you name it. But is there ever any truth to the DIY hacks? We asked Registered Dietitian and Everlywell Advisor Nicole Lindel about her thoughts on five of the most popular food trends on TikTok.

Read below to see which food trends a registered dietitian and nutritionist thinks are here to stay and which ones we should leave behind once and for all.

1. Celery juice

What is it? Celery juice is simply a mixture of both celery and water. Typically the ratio is one bunch celery to ½ cup water. In the past, celery was just an afterthought to your buffalo wings, but now celery is touted as so much more. It wasn’t until recently that this crunchy, savory vegetable created a name for itself on TikTok and other social media platforms.

Is it worth the hype? Viewers are swearing by this so-called remedy! While celery is a vegetable and contains vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K, folate, and potassium, there is not enough scientific evidence to support its use for weight loss and inflammation. However, there is a small amount of truth to the trend, but it has more to do with the water, not the celery.

Considering this vegetable is more than 85% water, it can be a good way of hydrating—and since we know water to be a helpful aid in weight loss, celery juice theoretically should do the same. While there are no safety concerns regarding celery juice, it is recommended to just drink water!

Looking to add some flavor to your water? Add some cucumber slices, mint leaves, and strawberries for a refreshing and hydrating beverage.

2. Chlorophyll water

What is it? Chlorophyll liquid drops are selling out due to TikTok and other social media platforms popularizing this food trend. Marketers and influencers promote chlorophyll water as a natural remedy for cancer prevention, skincare and acne treatment, weight loss, gastrointestinal distress, and boosting energy.

Is it worth the hype? There is no evidence to support these claims. Instead of buying chlorophyll liquid drops, go to the produce section and grab a whole bunch of green vegetables. Green vegetables are rich in folate, lutein, fiber, and vitamin K. They are known to promote strong muscles, bones and teeth, improve vision, and reduce cancer risk. Examples include zucchini, broccoli, spinach, kale, string beans, asparagus, peas, collard green, artichokes, and asparagus.

It's recommended to obtain nutrients from food sources first. Supplementation may be appropriate in some cases, however, chlorophyll water is not recommended.

3. Nature’s cereal

What is it? Nature’s cereal is a booming nutrition trend. It’s a combination of coconut water, pomegranate seeds, blackberries, and blueberries and is claimed to help with digestion and energy levels.

Is it worth the hype? And more importantly, is there any truth to these claims? Yes and no! Berries are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and many vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, manganese, and vitamin K. Due to berries being high in fiber, they can help aid in digestion. Fiber is used as a digestion aid, commonly in those experiencing diarrhea or constipation. However, blackberries and pomegranate seeds are high in specific sugars that are often not tolerated by those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), resulting in symptoms of gas, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation.

While not in the original nature’s cereal, strawberries are better known for their energy-boosting properties, due to their high water content. Fatigue may be related to poor hydration status. With that being said, increasing your water intake may help your energy levels.

Coconut water may help to improve hydration status due to its electrolyte content, but in some cases, it may also lead to diarrhea due to the potassium content.

4. Baking soda & water

What is it? People are mixing baking soda with water to help with bloating. TikTokers recommend a ratio of ¼ to ½ teaspoon baking soda per 1 cup water. This remedy is safe for short-term use for most adults, but not for young children or women who are pregnant. Adults should not use baking soda for longer than 2 weeks at a time. It is advised to speak with your healthcare provider before using this home remedy, especially if you are taking other medications or have underlying health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease.

Medical treatment for sour stomach bloat typically includes antacids (TUMS or Alka-Seltzer Heartburn Relief are two examples), H2 blockers (such as Pepcid or Zantac), and/or PPIs (which include Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid, and Protonix).

Is it worth the hype? Baking soda may be helpful to counter bloating related to indigestion. Indigestion may occur if a person goes too long without eating, eats a very large, fatty or spicy meal, or drinks alcohol. It can also occur due to an underlying condition such as gastritis (inflammation of the stomach), hiatal hernia, ulcers, or reflux.

Baking soda is considered an antacid which typically provides short-term relief of symptoms. These remedies work by neutralizing stomach acid, helping to trigger belching to release gas pressure that contributes to bloating.

If you’re experiencing bloating after eating certain foods, then it could be helpful to find out what specific foods may be causing it by trying a two-part elimination diet. In a two-part elimination diet, you temporarily remove suspect foods from your diet, then gradually add them back. If you notice symptoms like bloating after reintroducing a food into your diet, that food may be a culprit for your symptoms. For those who find the idea of an elimination diet daunting, taking a food sensitivity test can be a great first step in identifying foods that could be triggering gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating. The at-home lab testing company Everlywell offers a Food Sensitivity Test that measures your body’s specific antibody response to 96 foods common in the Western diet, including gluten. Test results can then be used to help guide a temporary elimination diet and add-back challenge. If eliminating those foods from your diet and adding them back in doesn’t help you determine the cause of your bloating, it may be helpful to examine potential other causes for what you’re experiencing, such as other GI conditions.

It’s recommended to follow up with a doctor or a registered dietitian if you are experiencing bloating because it’s important to determine what type of bloat you have in order for a treatment plan to be better individualized to your needs.

5. Frozen honey

What is it? This TikTok trend went viral after a TikToker filled a water bottle with honey, froze it, then squeezed it out and took a bite.

Is it worth the hype? While it may seem like a refreshing sweet treat, there are some concerns regarding this food trend. Consuming high quantities of honey may lead to weight gain and may also be damaging to the teeth. Honey is also very high in sugar, especially fructose, which may often cause unwanted gastrointestinal symptoms in those with irritable bowel syndrome. Additionally, fructose is metabolized differently than other sources of energy. It is metabolized by the liver, which may be problematic for those with fatty liver disease. Individuals with fatty liver disease are typically advised to avoid alcohol and limit fructose intake for this reason. Individuals with diabetes may need to take caution with this food trend as well, as honey can often cause a spike in blood sugar levels.

Inspired by these TikTok trends and looking to learn more about your personal health and wellness? Check out our 30+ at-home lab tests, including the Everlywell Food Sensitivity Test, Metabolism Test, and more!

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