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STD testing for seniors: what you need to know

Written on March 7, 2023 by Gillian (Gigi) Singer, MPH, Sexuality Educator & Certified Sexologist. To give you technically accurate, evidence-based information, content published on the Everlywell blog is reviewed by credentialed professionals with expertise in medical and bioscience fields.

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When pregnancy is no longer a looming possibility, it can be easy to be laxer about using safer sex practices. However, “Age does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)” [1].

STDs in seniors

The National Institute on Aging states, “Older people who are sexually active may be at risk for diseases including syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydial infection, genital herpes, hepatitis B, genital warts, and trichomoniasis. People who are sexually active, no matter their age, may also be at risk of being infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS” [1].


Currently, STDs are at an all-time high among seniors and older adults: “According to the CDC, cases of STDs in adults over the age of 50 in the 2000s have increased significantly from the averages in this same age group recorded in the 1990s” [2].

One study found that “STIs have more than doubled in the past ten years among U.S. adults age 65 years and older” [3]. When comparing rates of STDs in 2007 and 2017, this study showed that the rate of syphilis increased by over 283%, the rate of chlamydia increased by over 169%, and the rate of gonorrhea increased by over 191% [3].

Regarding HIV, the CDC data demonstrates that “adults over the age of 50 consistently represent around half of the population of those living with diagnosed HIV in the U.S.” [2].

Why are rates of STDs high in older and aging populations?

According to the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging, there are a handful of reasons why the rates of STDs are high in older and aging populations [2]:

  1. Seniors are less likely to perceive themselves as at risk for STDs.
  2. Seniors might not “realize the health benefits of engaging in safe, protected sex even without the concern of pregnancy.”
  3. Developments in medicine, like Viagra, have reduced sexual dysfunction allowing people to be sexually active later in their lives.
  4. The United States has a high mid-life divorce rate, leaving older adults searching for sexual and romantic partners again later in life. The use of online dating “lowers the chance that they know the background and sexual history of people they are dating.”
  5. Due to public policies and social norms, many seniors and older folks did not ever receive comprehensive or medically-accurate sex education as young adults, and even if they did, information and language have changed drastically since then.

Private STD consultations

How to maintain your sexual health as you age

Here are some tips for older populations to promote and maintain sexual health:

  • Educate yourself on current safer sex practices and how to make sure you are using them correctly.
  • Talk with a healthcare provider about your sexual health, STD/STI testing, and safer sex practices.
  • If you have an STD/STI, follow treatment plans consistently as prescribed by your healthcare provider and follow up.
  • Get tested for STDs/STIs regularly if you are sexually active, ideally between each new partner.
  • Consistently employ safer sex practices, like using barrier methods of protection correctly (internal condoms, external condoms, dental dams, lubricant, etc.).
  • Be transparent about your STD history and diagnoses with sexual partners and communicate openly.

Using Everlywell to maintain your sexual health as you age

First things first, you can use Everlywell’s at-home testing kits that include STD testing for seniors to privately test for STDs/STIs in the comfort of your own home. The following tests are available for you to order online:

  • Male STD Test: Check for six sexually transmitted infections. If abnormal results are detected, you can connect with our independent physician network and may receive treatment, if applicable. This tests for chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis C (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), syphilis, and trichomoniasis.
  • Female STD Test: Discreetly check for six sexually transmitted infections. If abnormal results are detected, you can connect with our independent physician network and may receive treatment, if applicable. This tests for chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis C (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), syphilis, and trichomoniasis.
  • Chlamydia & Gonorrhea Test
  • Hepatitis C Test
  • Syphilis Test
  • HIV Test
  • Trichomoniasis Test

If you aren’t sure or have questions about getting tested or your test results, you can make an online telehealth appointment via Everlywell.

When do symptoms of STDs start?

What STD causes itching?

Is there a cure for HIV/AIDS?


  1. Sexuality and intimacy in older adults. National Institute on Aging. URL. Accessed February 28, 2023.
  2. Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Older Adults. URL. Published June 12, 2019. Accessed February 28, 2023.
  3. Smith ML, Bergeron CD, Goltz HH, Coffey T, Boolani A. Sexually Transmitted Infection Knowledge among Older Adults: Psychometrics and Test-Retest Reliability. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(7):2462. Published 2020 Apr 3. doi:10.3390/ijerph17072462. URL.
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